The Share Spot

The Share Spot is the place where I share all my lesson plans, book activities, preschool activities, reproducables and lots more including ideas from you the reader. Yes, that's right, your ideas! Just email me the details and any other attachments needed for the activities. I then will go over them and contact you regarding the date I will post them as well as my personal opinion on the activity you have presented. [email protected]

Provider Stories

Superman to Soldiers.. By: Your one and only Kae

One of my great wonders and worries of children is when is time to say no to the Superfical Super Heros and Super Villans of the T.V. world. When do we say enough is enough lets watch the real stuff. I know this may be a touchy subject for some, so I am going to try to explain myself without being too balsy.

I find it hard to listen to children just talk about Batman or the infamous Hannah Montana. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying watching cartoons is a bad thing. Heck I still watch them, but how do we transition our children into the real world. When do we introduce the everyday hero's: Firefighters, Policemen, Soliders etc.

Yes, some daycares will teach your children about these sort of hero's and preschoosl do for sure. My question though is how many of you as parents introduce these hero's at home? Do you ever read a book about a Firefighter before bed? Do you snuggle up on the couch with your kiddo to watch a show about Policemen? Do you ever explain to your children that our soliders are fighting for our freedom?

No, Im not saying that no one does this. I honestly hope that you as my readers will respond with a BIG: I DO THAT! I am purely just concerned that the children we are raising are only being exposed to superfical matters and not the real ones.

Now, I am sure you are all wondering where all this came from. Well I was walking around the hotel I am staying at just exploring when I saw a young boy with his mom playing "Super Heros". When the "Super Boy" finally captured "Evil Mommy" she asked, Son? "Would you like to go get ready for bed and read the new book I bought you today?" His response was, No! I like Batman not that book. After many attempts of trying to get him to read something other than Batman, she gave up. I am not saying all children are so closed minded, I am only suggesting that we show them how to be more open minded before they become so set on one thing. I know, I know it may be just a phase, but this was just a thought. :)

Whatever happend to Manic Monday's..... I guess they moved down the road to Thursday's.
By: Your one and only Kae

Ahh..where do I begin? Today started like any other day drop off at 8:00AM, breakfast at 8:30AM you know the routine. When centers rolled around at 10:00AM the kids had been wound up and full of energy just like usually but something had been different this week. I have began to realize I have two children that just cant seem to get along. Mr.M and Mr.N they always love to play together whether its with the cars or in the kitchen but this week they just cant get it together. While in centers, Mr.M was at Art with Miss Jay and Mr.N was with me in Block Play everything was running smoothly until out of the blue Mr.M ran over to Block Play and jumped on Mr.N and began to pintch/grab his neck. Mr.N was not happy and to tell you the truth niether was I, they are friends they usually dont act like that towards eachother. All day long I witnessed multiple attacks on eachother one would kick the other would poke etc. I have tried seperating them earlier this week but nothing is seeming to keep them from doing this. I am a the end of my rope, I have notified both of their parents but niether of them believe their children are capable of such harm. Also they will do this at random, for no real reason I hve tried to think maybe its just a boy thing but im not okay with them actually hurting eachother this isnt a play thing.
To me it almost seems petty and to only see the other in trouble. Any advice, email me at [email protected]

Anytime Activities

Super Summer Sensory Pool

Summer is offically here and I'm willing to bet almost anything your children are dying to get outside and play in the water.

So here is my idea on that! Go out and get one of those cheap kiddie pools for about $10.00 at Wal-Mart. Instead of using the basic water to fill the pool, get creative make it into a sand box but not just an ordinary sand box a treasure hunt box. Hide random fun items for your children to find and once they have found them all, play again. There are so many things to do with this one pool your only limited by your imagination. 

Here are some ideas of what you could do: ( I will post directions and pics later on this summer.)
-Ocean Commotion Pool
-Picnic Pad
-Muddy, Mucky Mess Pool
-Lots O' Grass Pool

This Is My Friend

This cooperative activity, adapted from Orlick (1978), offers children a chance to experience movement that goes form left to right, as well as concepts of sequencing (in this case, a series of movements one following one the other) and low and high.

To Have:
-No materials needed!

To Do:

-Stand in a circle with the children have everyone hold hands.
-Raise the had of the child to your right (the movement goes left to right) and say,"This is my friend________,"
-That child says her name and raises the arm of the next child in the cirle and says,"This is my friend ________."
-The process continues all the way around the circle until every child has had a chance to say his name and all arms are in the air.
-The group then takes a big bow.

Sing and Move

    Sing a few familiar songs together with your child. As you sing march, clap your hands, or stamp your feet in time to the music. Then, Take turns saying favorite nursery rhymes aloud. Agree on one rhyme that both of you can repeat together. Add some hand and body actions as you say the words.


Old MacDonald Had a Farm:
Click play button to hear!

Preschool Favorites
First nursery rhymes and sing-a-long fun for tots!

Here’s a terrific collection of children’s music to help little ones learn their ABCs, numbers and much more. Love of music starts at an early age and is a fun and exciting way to introduce them to the wonderful world of learning.

Creepy Crawlies

Give your kiddo a magnifying glass and go on a outdoor bug hunt together. Encourage your child to look at the bugs carefully and tell you what he or she sees.

The Calender

    Parents, explain to your child that days, like people, have names. Say, "Today's name is (Monday). Tomorrow's name is (Tuesday)." Show him or her the day's names at the top of the calendar. Help your youngster understand the passage of time and how we measure time by the month, day, hour etc. Circle special days on the calendar and count how many days until each special day arrives. The special days can be any day that you and your child will be doing something that your child likes, for example, a visit to grandparents, trip to the zoo, or the day he or she will help wash the dog etc.

Let's Go On a Safari!

    Parents, gather several old magazines and ask your youngster to look for and cut out pictures of animals. Help him or her glue or paste the pictures on a large sheet of paper. Then ask your preschool child to name as many of the animals as he or she can. Write each name under (or near) the picture and spell out the letters as you write. Also, write your child's name at the top of the paper, spelling as you write.